Sunday, November 27, 2011

Another First

For the first time since being diagnosed, I attempted to fast this month on Fast Sunday. For those of you not of my faith, an LDS Fast Sunday is where we don't eat breakfast or lunch and give the money we saved to the church to help feed other families.

Anyway, I deal with low blood sugar events often enough that I didn't think I could make it a whole day without eating so I hadn't attempted it yet. However, on this Sunday, I woke up and my blood sugar was fine and I was running late for my meeting anyway so I thought, why not skip breakfast and see how it goes from there.

As you can see from the chart, I calibrated my glucose monitor in the morning at a little over 100 and just paid close attention throughout the day. By about noon, I was starting to drop below 100 so I turned off my insulin pump just to be cautious. The funniest part was that I kept a pack of fruit snacks in my shirt pocket all day just to be ready the instant I thought I needed them. It went over in my head a dozen times how I would abort the mission and then explain to all the other people at church, who were still fasting, why I was eating right in front of them. Alas, my imaginations were never fulfilled.

I checked my blood sugar again at 4:30 and it was starting to get a little low at 70. I took that as a good time to break the fast and start eating. It was great. I had all the normal hunger pains that usually accompany fasting but I didn't have any Diabetes related problems. It turned out to be just a normal Fast Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. That is great to hear. I was wondering what we were going to do with Kelton. He turns eight in January and was just asking about when he got to start fasting. Maybe we will try what you did. Just start with breakfast and keep checking through out the day. I'm glad it worked out and that you can get the blessings from fasting.
